Southeast Asian Language Teaching in the Digital Era:
Challenges and Opportunities
Abstract Deadline: June 14, 2021
Conference Dates: July 23-24, 2021
The Council of Teachers of Southeast Asian Languages (COTSEAL) invites participants from academic institutions, teachers, researchers, and graduate students who are interested in, involved in, or have conducted research on Southeast Asian language education and linguistics to submit abstracts to the conference.
Paper/presentation topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Different approaches in teaching SEA languages
- Proficiency, project, community-based learning
- Heritage language learners
- Distance learning and flipped classrooms
- Virtual SEA language teaching during the pandemic
- University policies & related issues affecting SEA language instruction
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 14, 2021
Notification of Acceptance: June 23, 2021
An abstract proposal should include the title, a brief description of 250 words maximum, and a presenter profile that should include your name, institution, email address, and phone number. Send them as two email attachments (MS words/pdf) to:, Subject line: COTSEAL 37th Abstract Submission.
NOTE: The conference registration is $40, but it is free for COTSEAL active members. All presenters are required to be paid members of COTSEAL at the time of the conference. To become a COTSEAL member or renew membership, please fill out this form:
*Co-sponsor: Southeast Asian Language Council (SEALC)
For more information about the conference, please contact the conference co-chairs:
Juliana Wijaya