Call for Nominations: SEALC Liaisons (Deadline Extended!)

The Southeast Asian Language Council (SEALC) invites nominations for two SEA language instructors to serve as liaisons on the SEALC Steering Committee. The goal of these volunteer positions is to inform and enrich discussions on and planning for SEALC activities via increased SEA language instructor representation on the Committee, as well as to provide additional opportunities for instructors to serve on professional committees at the national level.


SEALC liaisons will attend monthly SEALC Steering Committee meetings as non-voting members and assist in the work of the SEALC committee. The term for SEALC liaisons is one calendar year from the date they are elected.


Applicants must be Southeast Asian language instructors and active members of COTSEAL. To learn more about COTSEAL and to apply for membership, click here.

At this time, Indonesian language instructors are not invited to apply. This is to address the current overrepresentation of Indonesian language instructors on the SEALC Steering Committee.

Nomination Procedure and Election 

Instructors are asked to self-nominate by submitting a brief bio. Nominations will be accepted through July 1, 2021 (Extended Deadline!)  Nominees’ information will be circulated through SEALC and COTSEAL and voting will take place virtually at the 2021 COTSEAL Conference (July 23-24, 2021). Only active COTSEAL members are eligible to vote for SEALC liaisons. To submit your self-nomination, please click here  for the online form.