Call for Proposals: NCOLCTL 25th Annual Virtual Conference

“LCTLS Preparing Nations and Learners for a Multicultural World”

Deadline for submission: September 27th, 2021
Notification of acceptance: December 1st, 2021

The 25th annual Virtual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages is scheduled for April 22-24, 2022, (with pre-conference workshops scheduled for April 21, 2022). The NCOLCTL Conference Committee invites proposals for individual papers, colloquia, and poster sessions to be presented at this conference.

The conference aims to pursue a new pathway for advocating innovative approaches in research and teaching practices, maximizing professional exchanges and collaboration among LCTL educators, and leveraging resources and strengths in the LCTL community. We cordially invite researchers, educators, practitioners, program developers, and administrators to submit proposals and attend the conference.


Compelling proposals should address the needs of today’s learners and educators by focusing on innovative programs, emerging trends that are relevant to the language profession. Submissions should fall broadly within the conference theme: LCTLS PREPARING NATIONS AND LEARNERS FOR A MULTICULTURAL WORLD. Although proposed presentations may focus on individual languages, each paper should strive to address issues with relevance to many languages. These proposals can be generated based on any of the topics listed below. Other topics relevant to the conference theme are also welcomed.

The focus of session topics includes:

  • LCTL Curriculum and Material Development
  • LCTL Teacher Professional Development
  • LCTL Leadership and Advocacy
  • LCTL Innovation and Technology
  • LCTL Pedagogy
  • LCTL Research
  • LCTL Assessment
  • LCTL Learner Diversity

Other topics for consideration may include: heritage language education, bilingual education, interculturality, literacy, languages across the curriculum, personalized learning, Standards-based instruction, and professionalism.

PRESENTATION TYPE: You must submit to one of the following formats.
INDIVIDUAL PAPER: Each presentation is allotted a total of 30 minutes: 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion. A paper should focus clearly on issues related to the main conference theme. Papers may be based on original research or practical experience.
COLLOQUIUM: Each panel allows for extensive discussion on a distinct topic. There are two different blocks of time: 1 hour and 30 minutes (typically 3-4 presenters/discussants). Colloquium organizers are to address topics that will foster dialogue among attendees and also address the conference theme. Preference will be given to colloquia that cut across different languages or language groups.


Proposals should be electronically submitted through the 2022 NCOLCTL Conference Call for Proposals website.

*If you DO have an account on this site, please follow THIS LINK and log in using your account information to submit your proposal using the form provided. Your credentials are same as you would use on You may click here to reset your password using the ‘forgot password’ feature if needed.

*If you DO NOT yet have an account, please follow THIS LINK to create an account and then proceed to the Call for Proposals website, login using credentials that was just created and submit your proposal using the form provided.

Please complete the prompted steps to submit the proposal, including:

A.   50 word abstract

B.   One and half-page long proposal (1000 words max)

This electronic format is the only way in which Proposals/Abstracts may be submitted for this conference.


All presenters will be required to pre-register and pre-pay for the conference in order to maintain a slot in the program.

Deadline for Registration (for presenters): February 28th, 2022.
Details about registration will be posted on the 2022 NCOLCTL Conference website.

If you have any questions regarding proposal submission, please contact the NCOLCTL Secretariat at: or call 812-964-1930