The next grant cycle of the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations has launched and applications are being accepted at The NFMLTA is a network of modern language teacher associations which promotes the teaching of modern languages, literatures and cultures in educational endeavors throughout the United States. Through grants, awards and support for member organizations, the NFMLTA advocates for continued advancement of scholarship and pedagogy in modern language instruction.
NFMLTA-MLJ Learning and Teaching Priorities Grants – Established in 2020, these new grants fund priorities in learning and teaching and consist of two conference panel or workshop organization grants -one spring and one fall and three webinar grants focused on improving second-language learning and teaching by introducing practical solutions to concrete problems.
NFMLTA-NCOLCTL Dissertation Research Support Grants – Instituted in 2014 by the NFMLTA and the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), this grant supports graduate student research in the fields of applied linguistics and language education with small grants focused on the teaching and learning of less commonly taught languages (all languages except English, Spanish, French, and German).
NFMLTA-MLJ Dissertation Writing Support Grants – Instituted in 2013 by the NFMLTA and the MLJ, this grant supports graduate students in the fields of applied linguistics and language education at the dissertation writing stage. These grants can provide resources at any stage of dissertation writing, e.g., data gathering, data transcription, data analysis, or write-up of the findings.
NFMLTA Conference Presentation Support Grants – Instituted in 2017 by the NFMLTA and the MLJ, this grant is intended to help defray the costs of conference attendance by foreign language professionals.
Proposals are due February 1, 2021.
Addition information about support grants and how to apply is available at: NFMLTA.ORG. For questions about the grants and/or the application process, please contact:
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